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Private Landlord Services and tackling empty properties

Private Landlord Services and tackling empty properties

We have an innovative Private Landlord Service. We take on the letting, management and repair responsibilities for private sector property owners on a three year lease term. This boosts housing provision in Bolton. We have 180 homes and aim to grow this by another 50 this year.

We brought 91 empty properties back into use in partnership with Bolton Council and as part of the AGMA Empty Homes Consortium from 2012 to 2015. 

A number of these have been purchased, refurbished and let as part of our general stock, revitalising unused housing that previouly blighted areas to provide decent affordable accommodation. We continue to work with the Council to identify empty properties and work together to bring them up to a decent standard and back into use.

For more information phone 01204 328000.