Our Cor p o r ate Documents

Read our corporate documents

This page lists our core corporate documents. Just tap the headings on each section below to:

  • access direct links to files,
  • or access links to other areas of our website containing the files.

If you'd like to view any of our corporate documents in an alternative format - such as in another language, braille, large print, spoken audio, or something else - please email our Marketing and Communications Team using  news@boltonathome.org.uk and we'll do everything we can to help.

If you can't find what you're looking for on this page, please tap here to visit our Policies and Strategies page.

Annual Report

Annual Report for April 2022 to March 2023

Cover image of our annual report for customers, with a picture of a house

You can tap here to read our annual report for customers (opens in a new window).

Business Plan

Our journey ahead, our plan for 2024 to 2029

Business plan document cover image of a hot air balloon with text that says Our journey ahead, our plan, 2024-2029

Our journey ahead_our plan for 2024 to 2029.pdf [pdf] 2MB

ESG Report

Environment, Social, and Governance Report for 2020/21

Bolton-at-Home-ESG-Report-2020-21-.pdf[pdf] 2MB

Transparency Policy


Annual report and financial statements 22/23

image of financial statements

Group Annual Report and Financial Statements 2022 - 2023 [pdf] 7MB

Annual report and financial statements 21/22

march 2022 annual report image.jpg

Bolton at Home annual report and financial statements 2021-2022[pdf] 13MB


Annual report and financial statements 20/21




Annual report and financial statements 19/20


Annual-report-and-financial-statements-19-20 [pdf] 363KB


Annual report and financial statements 18/19

Decorative thumbnail of our Statement of Accounts document cover



Annual report and financial statements 2017-18

Decorative thumbnail of our 2018 Financial Statements

Annual-report-and-financial-statements 2017-18.pdf[pdf] 784KB


Annual report and financial statements 2016-17

Decorative thumbnail of our 2017 Financial Statements

Annual-report-and-financial-statements 2016_17.pdf[pdf] 1MB


Expenditure Reports

Click here to view all of our Expenditure reports.

Social Value

Offer Document

Our Offer Document (2010)
Thumbnail image of the Bolton at Home Offer Document

An update on our Offer Document (2016)
Thumbnail image of the Bolton at Home Offer Document update (2016)

Data Protection