Our performance

Access our Tenant Satisfaction Measures and other performance information

Access our Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) results and other performance information

We're committed to operating in an open, honest, and transparent way. One of the ways we do this is by regularly sharing our various performance and tenant/resident perception results with you. Tap here to access our full Transparency policy.

We keep track of our progress and ways we can improve:

  • by collecting and sharing data from annual tenant perception surveys, and sharing relevant performance figures from our management systems in line with the Regulator of Social Housing's Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs),
  • by sharing figures that quantify the outcomes achieved by our various teams - for example, the number of customer phone calls answered, repairs appointments attended, new homes built, and more,
  • by producing and sharing Expenditure Reports (tap here to view our latest Expenditure Reports) for all spending over £500 relating to our Shared Ownership and affordable housing developments,
  • through our various reports and strategies (tap here to view our reports and strategies), including our annual report, which provides a summary of our performance each year.

On this page:

Related information on other pages:

Header image reading 'Our Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) results. Scroll for our results.'

Sharing our 2023/24 Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) results

Sharing our 2023/24 Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) results

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All social housing providers in England are required to collect data on a set of 'Tenant Satisfaction Measures' developed by the Regulator of Social Housing. Using these measures, we and the Regulator can assess how well we're doing at providing good quality homes and services.

Aside from being a regulatory requirement, collecting and reporting this data is important for us as it gives us a view of what we’re doing right or wrong, how we can improve and provide you with greater value for money, and so we can compare ourselves to other housing providers and identify best practice. 

The Tenant Satisfaction Measures include 22 measures across five themes. Of these, 12 are reported through the annual tenant perception survey, and 10 are reported from our management systems.

The first 12 TSMs results below are from our tenant perception survey

The first 12 TSMs results below are from our 2023 tenant perception survey (September to October 2023)

Here are our results for 2023's tenant perception survey, which was carried out with customers in late September through to October 2023. Alongside our own results, we’ve also included some initial comparisons with other housing providers** (lowest, highest, and average figures) and we’ll look to update this when we can compare with a wider group of providers.

**52 Registered Providers (housing providers) supplied their tenant perception scores captured during the first six months of the data collection window. The average stock size (number of homes) of these providers is 19,000, and the average sample size is 850, with results based on a total of 44,246 surveys.

See our Summary of Approach for our 2023 tenant perception survey

As a housing provider, we need to publish a summary of the survey methodology alongside the perception measures below. This summary needs to include the sample size, timing, collection methods, sampling method, and an assessment of representatives. The summary of approach document provides full details and can be found here:


House in hand icon

1. The overall service provided by your landlord:

Our score:


Lowest result from other providers:


Highest result from other providers:


Average result from other providers:

Spanner icon

2. The overall repairs service from your landlord over the last 12 months:

Our score:


Lowest result from other providers:


Highest result from other providers:


Average result from other providers:

Stopwatch icon

3. The time taken to complete your most recent repair after you reported it:

Our score:


Lowest result from other providers:


Highest result from other providers:


Average result from other providers:

House in hand icon

4. Your landlord provides a home that is well-maintained:

Our score:


Lowest result from other providers:


Highest result from other providers:


Average result from other providers:

House and keys icon

5. Your landlord provides a home that is safe:

Our score:


Lowest result from other providers:


Highest result from other providers:


Average result from other providers:

Heart in hand icon

Additional question: satisfaction that the landlord has considered fire and building safety in your home:

Our score:


Why aren't we able to compare our results for this question with other providers?

This was an additional question that we (Bolton at Home) chose to ask our customers. It is not required as part of the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs), which is why we aren't able to compare our figures to those of other providers for this question.

Group of people icon

6. Your landlord listens to your views and acts upon them:

Our score:


Lowest result from other providers:


Highest result from other providers:


Average result from other providers:

Presentation icon

7. Your landlord keeps you informed about things that matter to you:

Our score:


Lowest result from other providers:


Highest result from other providers:


Average result from other providers:

Heart in hand icon

8. My landlord treats me fairly and with respect:

Our score:


Lowest result from other providers:


Highest result from other providers:


Average result from other providers:

Happy and sad faces icon

9. Your landlord's approach to complaints handling:

Our score:


Lowest result from other providers:


Highest result from other providers:


Average result from other providers:

Door icon

10. Your landlord keeps communal areas clean and well-maintained:

Our score:


Lowest result from other providers:


Highest result from other providers:


Average result from other providers:

Happy face icon

11. Your landlord makes a positive contribution to your neighbourhood:

Our score:


Lowest result from other providers:


Highest result from other providers:


Average result from other providers:

Officer icon

12. Your landlord's approach to handling antisocial behaviour:

Our score:


Lowest result from other providers:


Highest result from other providers:


Average result from other providers:


The next 10 TSMs results are reported from our management systems

The next 10 TSMs results are reported from our management systems

While the first 12 TSMs results above were collected from our most recent tenant perception survey, the next 10 are collected from our management systems. Some results are split into two parts.

Please note that, unlike the first 12 TSMs from our tenant perception survey, we’re unable to provide comparisons with other housing providers at this time (lowest, highest, and average figures) for the next 10 TSMs.

Pen and paper icon

BS01. Proportion of homes for which all required gas safety checks have been carried out:

Pen and paper icon

BS02: Proportion of homes for which all required fire risk assessments have been carried out:

Home in hand icon

BS03: Proportion of homes for which all required asbestos management surveys or re-inspections have been carried out:

Spanner icon

BS04: Proportion of homes for which all required legionella risk assessments have been carried out:

Door icon

BS04: Proportion of homes for which all required communal passenger lift safety checks have been carried out:

Officer icon

NM01 (part 1): Number of anti-social behaviour cases opened per 1,000 homes:


NM01 (part 2): Number of anti-social behaviour cases that involve hate incidents opened per 1,000 homes:


Spanner icon

RP01: Proportion of homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard:

Stopwatch icon

RP02 (part 1): Proportion of non-emergency responsive repairs completed within the landlord’s target timescale:


RP02 (part 2): Proportion of emergency responsive repairs completed within the landlord’s target timescale:

Our score:

Happy and sad faces icon

CH01 (part 1): Number of stage one complaints made by tenants in the relevant stock type during the reporting year per 1,000 homes:


CH01 (part 2): Number of stage two complaints made by tenants in the relevant stock type during the reporting year per 1,000 homes:


Spanner icon

CH02 (part 1): Proportion of stage one complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code timescales:


CH02 (part 2): Proportion of stage two complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code timescales:

Header image reading 'See the outcomes delivered by our teams. Scroll for our figures.'

See the outcomes delivered by our teams intro

See the outcomes delivered by our teams (in numbers)

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As well as reporting our Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) results, each year, we also share figures to show you the range of services and outcomes delivered by our teams. We'll review the data we include in this section in line with our updated objectives and business plan.

We have a range performance measures for our services, and you'll find these (along with more information about how we're performing) in our annual report. You can tap here to read our annual report.

Our latest figures are listed below:

This is what our teams delivered from April 2024 to June 2024 (scroll to reveal our numbers):

Money icon


Total financial gains for customers through our Money Advice Service.

Phone icon

46,826 (91.1%)

Calls answered in 60 seconds by our Careline service.

Stopwatch icon

4,848 (100%)

Total number of emergency repairs responded to within 24 hours.

Keys icon


Tenancies sustained in first 12 months.

People icon


Paid work outcomes achieved by Work Club members.

Person icon


Number of new customers registering for support via UCAN Work Clubs and Working Wardrobe.

Keys icon


Number of new builds/acquired.

Repairs icon

5,334 (96.7%)

Repairs appointments kept.

Clock icon

43 (100%)

Extreme emergencies responded to within two hours.

People icon


Number of people provided with practical support to successfully maintain their tenancy.

Presentation icon


Training and education outcomes achieved by Work Club members.

Home icon


Number of homes let.

Header image reading 'Ways to tell us what you think. See how below.'

Ways to be involved and tell us what you think

You have the right to have your voice heard by your landlord

We want to give you more opportunities to share your views to help us improve our services.

Tap the tabs below to learn more about some of the ways you can have your say, or tap here for a full list of ways you can be involved as a customer.

Want to share your feedback on the 'Our performance' page (this page)?

Please let us know if you've any feedback on, or ideas for, the 'Our performance' page:

Regardless of whether it's positive or negative, we'd love to hear your feedback and/or suggestions to help us make this page even better. Please let us know by emailing: RVC@boltonathome.org.uk.

Join our Resident Voices Channel

Decorative image displaying the Resident Voices Channel logo. Links to boltonathome.org.uk/resident-voices-channel

Complete surveys. Improve your neighbourhood. Get rewarded. Join our Resident Voices Channel today:

Give your opinion to improve the services you get from us, suggest new ideas, and get free shopping vouchers.

Be part of our new Resident Voices Channel (RVC) and share your thoughts to help us deliver a better service for all tenants.

Join our Group Customer Scrutiny Panel

Decorative image displaying the Customer Scrutiny Panel logo. Links to boltonathome.org.uk/scrutiny-group.

Join our Group Customer Scrutiny Panel

Made up of a majority of tenants, alongside leaseholders and customers, our Scrutiny panel's main roles are to:

  • Deliver independent scrutiny of our housing services with the aim of making them better for our customers,
  • Ensure our housing services are accessible and meet the needs of all customers,
  • Promote better value for money, identifying any areas they feel savings could be made,
  • Inform, and- where possible- involve more of our tenants in their activities,
  • Support the aims and objectives of the Bolton at Home Group.

Tap here to learn more about our Customer Scrutiny Panel.

Join our Resident Building Safety Panel

Promotional graphic for our Resident Building Safety Panel. Further details on our Resident Building Safety Panel are available at www.boltonathome.org.uk/resident-building-safety-panel.

Do you live in one of our high-rise buildings** (at least seven stories, or 18 metres in height)

**Our current high-rise buildings are:

  • Rainford House,
  • Blackshaw House,
  • Rogerstead House,
  • Fernstead House,
  • and Arundel Court.

If you live in one of these buildings, you're eligible to join our Resident Building Safety Panel, where you'll have an exclusive space to voice your opinions and shape our decision making on important safety matters going forward (and we may offer you rewards for your contributions).

To learn more and for details on how you can become a member of our Resident Building Safety Panel, tap here.

Join our Group Operations Committee or become a Group Board Member

Our Group Operations Committee:

Members of our Group Operations Committee make sure that our frontline services are working to provide the best possible services for our tenants and other customers in our communities.

At any one time the Committee is made up of around seven people, with at least half of members being tenants, former tenants or other customers of our services. You can learn more about our Operations Committee and see vacancies when they're available by tapping here.

Our Group Board:

The Board is a group of appointed members who jointly oversee the activities of the organisation.

Our Board sets the strategic direction and is accountable to BH customers and other stakeholders for our overall performance in delivering housing and regeneration services to its customers. You can learn more about our Board, and see vacancies when they're available by tapping here.

You can make a complaint, leave a compliment, or make a suggestion

Happy and sad faces icon

You have the right to have your complaints dealt with promptly and fairly, with access to the Housing Ombudsman (who will give you swift and fair redress when needed)

We want you to be happy with the services you receive and we value your feedback. We welcome both positive and negative comments as they help us to improve and learn from our experiences. We want to:

  • listen to your feedback, good or bad,
  • deal with complaints efficiently and effectively,
  • keep you up to date with progress,
  • and be open and honest about the process.

If we fail to deliver on our promises, you may wish to complain. If you'd like:

  • steps on how to make a complaint, leave a compliment, or make a suggestion,
  • details on how we're learning and improving,
  • and details on how to approach the Housing Ombudsman (if you still aren't satisfied with how we've dealt with your complaint)..

..please tap here to visit our Complaints, compliments, and suggestions page.

External information on complaints and the Housing Ombudsman

Stay in touch with us on social media

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Follow us on Twitter/X:

You can tap here to follow us on Twitter/X (opens in a new tab) to get the latest news and events information.

Follow us on LinkedIn:

You can tap here to follow us on LinkedIn (opens in a new tab).