Bolton Manbassadors: an annual overview from the Project Lead, Adam Warbrick (our Impact Report for 2023 to 2024)
The Bolton Manbassadors project - the idea for which was developed in a shed during the Covid pandemic - reaches out to men, engages with them and offers ‘meaningful conversations’ - a simple intervention of informal, bite-sized support on a very local level to tackle high rates of male suicide and mental health issues.
The project attempts to address high rates of male suicide and mental health issues across Bolton by taking a different approach to reaching out to men and offering them the opportunity to access the support for issues that impact on their mental health and wellbeing. The project acts as a mental health prevention solution by targeting men unknown to statutory services.
In December 2022, Bolton Manbassadors (alongside our partners at Maxmedia Communications Ltd.) won ‘Campaign of the Year’ at the UK Housing Awards.
Want to see the latest on how the Bolton Manbassadors project has been doing? You can download the full 2023 to 2024 Impact Report below. You can also scroll to see some of our headline figures from the report.

Tap to download the Bolton Manbassadors Impact report for 2023 to 2024 [pdf] 3MB
local businesses, sports clubs, not-for-profit organisations, and community groups recruited as Manbassadors since the project launched.
men have benfitted from the project since it launched.
men have accessed support towards issues since the project launched.
men have participated in our community activities since the project launched.
is the number of times men engaged with our community activities (since the project launched).
volunteers supported our community activities (since the project launched).
is the total number of volunteer hours contributed (since the project launched).
is the estimated value of this volunteering (according to the HACT model) since the project launched.