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It pays to contact us

Since April 2015 our Money Advice Service has generated a total of £1,494,382 in financial gains for Bolton at Home customers. Can we help you?

We work as an independent and confidential service, and offer one-to-one support.

We’re currently helping 126 customers to resolve their money worries. We can save and gain you money by showing you how to budget, by checking your benefits are right and by making sure you claim everything you’re entitled to. Even if you’re dealing with bankruptcy, we can help with debt solutions such as Debt Relief Orders.

We’ve helped customers gain £708,000 of housing benefit claims and discretionary housing payments, whilst generating £481,000 through previously unclaimed welfare benefits.

This money has helped customers to pay their rent and keep their homes. We’ve also issued over £18,000 in ‘hardship fund’ grants to customers experiencing the worst of financial situations and needing immediate help to pay for food, fuel or basic white goods.

Contact our team for more information and help to budget, save and reduce your bills. Phone 01204 328000 or email