Bolton Carers Support

When you are looking after someone, it is difficult to know who to contact for information about local services. Bolton Carers Helpline can answer questions you may have, such as:

  • who can give me benefits advice?
  • where do I get aids and equipment to make daily living easier?
  • how can I arrange a short break?
  • how do I get a wheelchair for the person I look after?
  • does anyone help with small DIY jobs?
  • can we get some adaptations for our home?
  • where do we apply for a Blue Badge for parking concessions?

The Helpline is currently open 24/7 – from 9am to 5pm weekdays call with any caring related query as above or just to talk to someone in confidence about your caring role.  At all other times (evenings/weekends/Bank Holidays) call if you have a urgent issue or emergency with your caring role.

All calls are treated in confidence. Staff are empathetic and understand the need to be able to talk to someone in confidence about your situation.

carers helpline